Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Wanna Be Like Harry Houdini

I wanna be like Harry Houdini
And be the one to make the great escape
I wanna be where no one'll see me
You've gotta learn a lesson give and take

Lyrics from the song Arts in 'D' Minor/Harry Houdini released in 1989 by the Canadian synthpop band Kon Kan.  I was a Freshman in High School then when this song hit the radio and become sort of popular.  To me then, I loved this song because I used it as my "code" for my first High School crush, a senior.  That was 23 years ago.  Today, for me this has a whole new meaning.  It's not about crushes anymore, it's about me wanting to escape...

Harry Houdini is a very famous magician, known for his mind-boggling escapes, the Handcuff King.  How I wish I can do the great escape... But magic is just an illusion... unlike life, which is reality.  But what if you can escape life?  What if you can leave your current life and just go somewhere else where you can start anew?  What if... 

A lot of people think my life is perfect... such a cliche.  When I was younger, I am always on top of my game, a goody-two-shoes, an honor-roll student, a responsible eldest daughter.  Yup that's me.  You can say that until now I am still some of those, but you can add being a mother and a wife to that list.  Let's just say I am living the ideal life -- A woman in her 30's with a husband and daughter and a good job.  What more can I ask for huh?  This may come as a shock to those who know me, but the truth is I just want to escape from my life.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family very much, especially my daughter, but I am just tired.  Tired of all the drama... tired of proving myself to others, even to my love ones... tired of trying so hard to be nice even when I am not... tired of proving to anyone that I am not the bitch they think I am even if I just want to be a B-I-T-C-H.  I AM TIRED.  I just wanna wake up one day living a different life.