Monday, May 28, 2012

Domestic Disturbance

I don't have super powers... I bleed, I get tired and I get emotional.  Maybe people think it's easy to be who I am. It's not!  I also get tired of being a daughter, an ate, a friend, a wife and even as a mom.  I cry all the time when i think or realize that i wasn't a good one.  But no matter how i try, most of the time i still feel unappreciated.  It hurts when i'm called masungit. And even though most of the time it's true, can't i be one with all the stressful things i go through?

For instance, when i go home from work, i picture myself just sitting on the sofa, watching whatever is on the TV and playing with Danielle.  But instead of that i usually end up cleaning the mess in our room. Why is it so hard to keep the room tidy, to keep things the way they should be???  I did not get married to clean up all the mess! And people wonder why i bitch about it? Go figure!

I work very hard, not only for myself, but for my family. I'd like to think that i am selfless and i will do everything I can to give back to my parents and support my own family. I just wish people will give me a break.  Nobody's perfect and i won't even dare to be one coz i can't.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Advertisement

Are you easily convinced by a very hot actor to buy the product he's endorsing?  Do you actually believe that a product works because your idol says so?

Recently, the Philippines' billboards are full of Hollywood actors and actresses. A place that was previously occupied by the likes of Dingdong Dantes, Richard Gutierrez, Piolo Pascual, Gerald Anderson, KC Concepcion and a lot more.  Brands like Bench, Kamiseta and Penshoppe are getting Hollywood stars as their endorsers.  So is it effective? Are their sales up because of it?

After learning that Ian Somerhalder of the Vampire Diaries arrived here in Manila i sort of wanted to pass by the nearest Penshoppe store to check out their clothes... I am not a huge fan, but it kinda made me interested... besides, the Penshoppe All Star campaign is hitting the right spot :-) So it seems this Hollywood thing is good advertisement.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fat Bastard

I think I should start accepting the fact that I will never go back to my "normal" weight. My weight's been up-down, up-down for a couple of years now. But it's not as if my weight loss is significant... it's not. That's why it's frustrating to try and lose these damn fats! Why am I giving myself a hard time? Darn it! What can I do.. . I love food, I love to eat!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

E-mail Overload

I am so f*ing pissed that every freakin moment of the day I have to clean my f*ing inbox!  What is the matter with these people???  It's actually what's the matter with this freakin job!!! Every time I open my Outlook my Inbox count is a glaring bold 2 digit number!!! What I do all day is answer all these g*d damn e-mails.  If this is how my job would be like, then might as well stay the hell home than waste gas going to the office.

I hate this!  I hate that it's 9:41 p.m. and I haven't read half of what I'm suppose to read.  And this is just e-mail... what about my actual work???


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Here I am sitting on our couch in front of my laptop, trying to work my ass off again this weekend, but at the same time watching The Voice.  I love, love, love reality TV Shows I must admit.  From the likes of The Voice, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Top Chef, Project Runway and what the heck, Tough Love!  It's just yummy to watch these TV shows.  Although called reality TV shows, it just takes me out of reality into their world.  The drama, the "scripted" parts of it, and what can happen are so exciting to watch.  It's what makes my mights and weekends fun...

How about you, what's your guilty pleasure?

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

As if being chased by an askal

"Askal" as in asong kalye and not the Philippine Football team, ok.  Asong kalye or stray dogs are known for just roaming around the neighborhood, spreading rabies or scavenging for food. Since these are dogs that usually got out of their cages or their master's house, they're sort of crazy. If they see a stranger walking in the street, they usually run after them.  And when they chase you, it's as if you're an enemy. So one's normal reaction is to run away... as far as they can. This is how i feel right now. As if an askal is running after me. So much tasks so little time. And no matter how much resources you have, it doesn't matter, work just piles up.

I don't want to be running forever. I'd l loved to have an askal- free environment.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Monday Blues

Tell me why
I don't like Mondays
Tell me why
I don't like Mondays
Tell me why
I don't like Mondays
I want to shoot... ooh ooh ooh
The whole day down

Yep, Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats sure knows how I feel about Mondays. I am pretty sure there are others out there feeling the same way. What is it really about Mondays that makes me hate it so much? I've given up on analyzing why... i just prepare myself for the worst. But no matter how much I prepare for it, it's not enough. Boo!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Folding the Feeling

Every Friday, we bring our dirty clothes to my parent's house in Laguna. Since we live in a condo, it makes sense to have our clothes washed somewhere else. On the same weekend, somebody irons our clothes.  So Sunday night we pack our cleaned, ironed clothes.  Well, it's actually me... i fold all the clean clothes that we take back to our own home.
And so it's one of ` em Sundays, and i just finished folding and packing... i get tired of it, believe me, but there's something there that calms me. I don't know, maybe the act of folding a clean, good smelling piece of clothing represents something.  Maybe it's like packing all my troubles because it's the start of a new week. Or maybe the clean clothes represent my sanity and putting it in a bag means preserving it. Or it can just be simply a distraction. I don't know. I am not being melodramatic here, but doing it makes my Sundays complete.
It's therapy.

Weekend Disease

This is me working on a Sunday (well just taking a break before I dive into real work). 

So why do I do it?  My excuse is, I don't want to be swamped with work on weekdays.  Sounds pathetic huh?  It is, actually.  But this is how I've been surviving since the beginning of this project.  If I don't open my e-mails on a weekend or after office at home, the next day will be spent just lowering down the number of unread messages in my inbox.  It gets crazy... I get crazy!  So to manage the stress level, here I am in front of my laptop, working my butt off.